YML Yang Ming shipping
Channel introduction:
Yangming Limited by Share Ltd was founded in December 28, 1972, in August 1996 won the national quality award case, and then gradually through the ISM CODE international ship safety management certification and ISPS CODE international ship and port facility security code certification, ISO 9001 international quality certification, ISO14001 certification and OHSAS 18001 occupation health and safety certification, TOSHMS2007 occupation health and safety management system certification in Taiwan ISO27001, information security management system certification.
As of the end of May 2011, shipping has 85 aircraft carrier ship operation, energy up to 4 million 230 thousand DWT / 340 thousand TEUS, including the fleet of container ships and coal generation camp Taipower wheel, and through joint cooperation with Japan K - Line, COSCO China, Korea Hanjin and other well-known shipping companies, the expansion of dense service area. Ongoing efforts to strengthen customer service, improve the operating performance, is the average age of the ship is one of the youngest in the world.
Rachel agent route:
1) Taiwan line: KEELUNG-KAOSIUNG-TAICHUNG direct flights every Wednesday. 2) southeast Asia: PORT KELANG West Port, SK one knot three open, four days straight, the price is favorable, shipping schedule is stable, sailing can take the bill of lading, efficient and fast. 3) INCHON:SK Friday, Saturday two boats, Shenzhen is the only one without the owner of a Hongkong ship directly, the limitation of 5 days up to date, intensive.